What to Expect : Hobbiton Movie Set

If you got here from my North Island Campervan Roadtrip post, then you already know: I have never seen or read any LOTR or Hobbit movies or books.  Now that that’s out of the way, Rachal (my travel buddy and best friend) is a fan of the series, and to say she was STOKED would be a total understatement.  I, on the other hand, was mostly intrigued to see the movie set design and all the props.  With that, I highly recommend a visit here. Below are some details on what you should expect on your Hobbiton movie set journey!

Guided Tours

I would have probably recommended getting a tour anyways (since I didn’t even know the basic storyline until I went here), but if you imagined frolicking around Hobbit holes all day willy-nilly, you’re out of luck.  The land that these cool facades reside on is actually privately owned, and the only way to get there is with the tour.  This, of course, you have to pay for.  Our tour was at 1700 which was close to sunset and a great time to go (not as many people later in the day).

What’s cool about the tour is that they pick you up on one of those big busses and drive you through the main gate of the property.  Along the way, the tour guide talks a little and also plays scenes of the Hobbit movies on the screen at the front of the bus.  This is perfect for those of us who haven’t seen it before and allowed me to put together some context with the sites we were about to see.

The Stragglers

These are the people who don’t speak English, don’t want anything to do with the tour guide, and are just there for the photo ops (I mean, we were too, but also to pay attention).  Aidan, our tour guide, was visibly frustrated with them and their translator, since we were all supposed to stick together and move through the set as a group at a particular pace.  Instead, we kept having to stop and wait for over half our group to finish taking photos and catch up (which honestly never happened).  Truth be told, we got even better photos by staying ahead of the stragglers anyways (hardly any people in the background).  This is a staple of my next point.

Keep Up with Your Guide

This will always be a key point in any of my posts on any type of tour (as I’m sure most of you know by now).  Staying up front is a great way to get awesome photos without hordes of people in the background.  These tours are spaced out so that each group gets a decent amount of time between all the stops literally for this purpose.

Besides the better photo ops, the tour guide is there for a reason.  He tells stories, explains key plot points (mostly for us unfamiliar with the happenings), and answers questions like how the props are made, if the pumpkins are real (they are!), and how optical illusions were created to achieve perfect character depiction on screen.  Since our tour only had a few other people paying attention, we got to ask all sorts of questions and hear some really funny stories about other tour groups that have come through as well.

The Hobbit Holes aren’t Actually Holes

Not going to lie, I was a little disappointed by this.  Each hole is just a façade where the door opens, but there’s nothing behind it!  The biggest space behind any of the doors was just big enough to have a small chair. Possibly stand up in if you’re short.  Naturally, our guide let us inspect it for ourselves since we didn’t believe him, turns out to be true.


Naturally I saved the best for last, just like they do at the Hobbiton tour.  Once you reach your final stretch, they release you to the Green Dragon for one free beer. You can pay for however many you want though.  They’re obviously themed beers and quite delicious, which was perfect for Rachal’s “celebratory beer” for tour completion.  We weren’t able to get too comfortable since the tour isn’t over until you get dropped off at the starting point.  It was, however, enough time to sit down, sip a beer, and chat with some of the other travelers.  Even if you’re not a beer drinker (like myself) give it a try!  If you like it and wish you could take some home, don’t worry.  They sell their beer bottled in the gift shop (you can thank me later).

If you want to read about more stops on our North Island road trip, click HERE!

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39 thoughts on “What to Expect : Hobbiton Movie Set

  1. The tour looks absolutely amazing. Just like you, I’ll be looking forward to the end of the tour for one free beer at Green Dragon. I am a big fan of Hobbiton and I would love to see this in person.

  2. What fun to be on a movie set and that too the Hobbiton Movie Set. I can imagine how intriguing it would be to see the movie set designs and props! It would be like being in a fantasy land. While guided tours can be very informative, it does require one to make that effort to be with the group. Really? Hobbit Holes is only the façade? Well, am a bit disappointed as well but would still love to see the cute doors and colors so bright! And a free beer is a great reward 🙂

    1. It was so cool to see, and I’m not a huge fan of groups, but we sure made it work. Worth it for the beer 😉

  3. So, the key to visit Hobbiton is later during the day and with The Stragglers. I will have to remember that. I haven’t read the books and watched the movies, too. It’s always in the plan though. 😬

  4. Im looking to visit with down under with the kids next year and would surely visit this fantastic place. As you say a tour would be brilliant and its not just for kids but a nice place for the entire family. Would be a great way to end the day with a free beer at the Green Dragon. Overall a great post and in detail. thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you! I fell asleep when I tried… but it was late at night, will be trying again!! That happened to us in Iceland as well! Tourists… hah 😛

  5. I really want to visit Auckland as well as Hobbiton in New Zealand. It has been in my travel bucket list for a long time. I heard a lot of good things about it from my friends. I hope I can do a selfie in this memorable and legendary place. I watched the LOTR series and I really appreciate it.

  6. As a big fan of LOTR, I dream about the day I would visit this place! Thanks for sharing this. Good to know that you had fun there! Are you going to watch the books or the movies, now? hahaha

    1. I highly suggest it! I tried to watch the movies after a long drive to my cousin’s house, but fell asleep… hahah I will try again though!

  7. Your article truly makes me want to go and visit Hobbiton immediately! I am a huge fan of Tolkien and LOTR since my childhood. But such a shame – I did not make it to the original set in New Zealand yet. Love your photos, they show all the nice little details. Interesting also, that the holes are just façade. And of course a free beer at the Green Dragon would be a great final of such tour. Very inspirational, Amanda and makes me want to go there now even more!

    1. Thank you so much Hendrik! If you get the chance to visit, I highly suggest! There are many places in New Zealand that are in LOTR and all are absolutely beautiful.

  8. This looks like such an awesome experience! As a big time LOTR fan, I’d definitely want to visit if I were in the area. Seriously, I’m already sold on this place but free beer too? I’m definitely going there 🙂

  9. This is actually high on my list. I will make sure not to miss this the moment I’m in New Zealand. For now it’s a dream to see this place up close and personal. One day! By the way, your photos are amazing!

    1. You absolutely can not pass up the opportunity, it was truly awesome. Thank you so much for the compliment Joy! 🙂

  10. I actually can’t believe I didn’t visit this place when I traveled around NZ. What was I thinking?? Absolutely love the movies, and then there is free beer too you say… I’m happy for you that you got to visit though 🙂

  11. This is a gorgeous place! Wish to visit this when I already have enough funds for NZ trip. But recently I find it quite discouraging when a new immigration policy comes is that immigration officers have authorized to check your phone and laptop and you are required to give your passwords. I find it cringing.

    1. I have heard of that! We didn’t have to do anything of the sort, but I see how it could be a turnoff at even the chance.

  12. Super fun! My grade five teacher read us the Hobbit and at that age, it was riveting and of course ppl love LOTR and the Hobbit no matter their age! I love all the colours and I too would have been disappointed that the holes were just facades! I envision stuff one way and am often disappointed when it comes to stuff like that – I want it to be real! lol Sounds like a good experience and a beer and chat at the end to wind down sounds like a nice ending! I hadn’t heard of this tour and hope to make it to New Zealand one day! Thanks! xx

    1. Grade five?! I’m 26 and still haven’t read them hahah. The colors were absolutely incredible in person, and I truly hope you get to experience it some day!

  13. Great post! I always find taking photos during a group tour is a challenge, but looks like your trick of staying ahead of the group worked for you! Your photos looks great.

  14. This looks like such a fun experience! I’d definitely want to visit if I were in the area. And the part about the pub makes me think of the first movie–“You mean they sell it in pints?!”

  15. Yay! I’m glad that you had fun even without watching any of the films. Did it make you want to watch the films now? 😀

    I really wanted to visit here while we were in the North Island, but we only had enough time to visit either a hot spring OR hobbit-land. We went with the hot spring …but I would quite like to come back and visit the hobbits next time.

    1. Funny you ask! I visited my cousin when I got home and we tried to do a LOTR marathon… I fell asleep in the first 30 minutes (whoops). Better luck next time. Oh you absolutely MUST go back and check out Hobbiton, it’s just so cool! I bet the hot spring was delightful though nonetheless. 🙂

      1. Bwahahaha. Did you try the books instead? I guess if you fell asleep within 30 mins, then reading the books might take too long?

        I loved the books and the films…although the films REALLY made me want to be a location scout in NZ!

        1. Unfortunately I don’t have the attention span for really long books, so those are out of the question for sure! I’ll have to give the movies another go! A location scout?? That sounds like something I would love to do too!

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