Minimalistic Kickoff : New Beginnings

So I started this blog (as you can clearly see).

How? Still figuring that out.

Why? Because friends and family suggested I do so for my travels, but also to document my transition from being a borderline hoarder to adopting a more minimalistic lifestyle (as beautifully described here by The Minimalists).

Why the Minimalistic Change?

Recently I concluded that I hold on to my material possessions because they help me remember times, people, and places.  These material items help cover the fact that I really haven’t become firmly grounded in my sense of self yet.  My clothes are collected in heaps while un-needed and used mostly to hide behind as a facade of my potential. I constantly feel as though I am walking through a dream and will eventually wake up. Because of this, I reach for tangible items that help me recall faint memories and keep them as proof that I was indeed, actually there. My life however, is not a dream; it is a continuous story of trial, error, and exploration. Learning to let go of my possessions will be quite a challenging task for me, but will benefit all aspects of my well-being. I want to be free. Free to explore and experience new things without the worry of a million and one options on what to wear, digging through an infinite amount of boxes to find something, and taking hours upon hours to pack for trips. This new lifestyle will help de-clutter my life, and in turn de-clutter my mind. The goal: to experience enough of the world to fill multiple lifetimes, and document it here for you all to see.


Adventure is out there!

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